About DARTS....
The popular belief is that darts was created as a result of the boredom of warriors in the medieval times. During downtime between battles, soldiers would challenge each other to games of throwing short spears at a thin slice of a fallen tree. The aged rings in the wood and the cracks that developed from drying created a simple likeness to the modern dart board comprised of multiple lines and scoring areas.
Darts maintained its military relations during the formation of the British Empire where soldiers played in drinking clubs and the fitted dartboards extended over the entire Empire. Thus, the spread of the sport as Citizens from different countries under the Empire embraced the game.
The sport of darts became more widespread and even noblemen would be known to shoot a round from time to time. King Henry VIII of England was reputed to enjoy the game immensely that he was given a beautifully ornate set of darts by Anne Boleyn.

As the habit of throwing darts turned into a universal pastime, so did its regulated standards. By the 1900’s, the game of darts and its rules was established into what is recognized and accepted today. The board size, the distance of throwing and the darts size was standardized. All over the world, many people enjoyed playing the simple sport of darts that eventually teams were organized to play for medals and trophies, and professional clubs and associations began.
Today, the sport is most popular in Britain where there are millions of players and thousands of registered clubs. In fact, Britain hosts the yearly World Dart Championships where dart players from different countries such as Netherlands, Germany, USA, China, and the Philippines compete.

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THE DART BOARD... with it's corresponding score...
The DART BOARD set-up with it's distances from the ground and the darter...
The sport of darts is often derided for not being a real sport, but this is becoming farther from the truth as tournaments for darts continuously gain competitive ground both locally and internationally. So why play darts? Here’s a rundown of reasons for you to try the sport yourself.
Apart from the fun and competitive spirit one commits for darts, many individuals and groups engage in the sport because of its practicality and ease. Compared to other sports, darts require only a small playing area and a free wall – no courts or fields need like in badminton, basketball, etc. In fact, most professional dart players commenced their career by throwing darts in the comfort of their home garage. It is inexpensive and only needs the basic equipment with no venue fees to pay.
Darts has no boundaries. The sport is for all, with no gender and age preference nor physical or height required. We’ve seen tournaments with various ages, sizes, preferences, and handicaps in participation of the sport.

Darts expands social ties. We understand that as a social sport, the game of darts enhances social interaction, creates social ties, and builds camaraderie. Not limited to one’s friends, many darters develop a network of acquaintances and business ties through darts. Furthermore, the sport is an activity a family can do together as a source of bonding.
Darts sharpen the mind. Playing darts requires great mental coordination and sharpness of mind. Involved with numbers as target scores, it necessitates and improves quick strategic thinking and number skills for one to plan his next move and target. It advances one’s concentration and is actually a good mental exercise.

Darts improves dexterity. It involves adroitness and grace particularly with the movement of hands. The sport requires the right kind of throw, the right amount of push, and that hand movement some refer to as suave in making a dart reach its destination point.

Darts relieves job stress. One of the easiest ways to relieve job stress is to simply and temporarily get one’s mind off from work. This is why companies have initiated Wellness Programs designed to change and support employees’ behavior in order to achieve better health and reduce associated health risks. As part of their Corporate Wellness Program, many companies (private and government) of today support the development and promotion of playing darts within their organization.
There are a lot more reasons why one should try and play darts aside from what we have outlined above. One must simply try to realize all of it.

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We've gathered few of the most common dart idioms and terminologies you can hear or say while throwing darts at a pub and most especially during a tournament. We hope this list of dart terminologies can help dart enthusiasts, especially beginners in the course of their games.

• Arrows. Slang term referring to darts
• Barrel. The body of a dart made of tungsten or brass that has knurls or grooves on its surface for a proper grip
• Bounce Out. When a dart bounces back off the board, usually after hitting a wire
• Bull. The centermost part of the board divided into single and double bull
• Bull Out. Winning a dart game with a double bull
• Bust. Refers to scoring too many points when trying to finish an '01 game
• Chalk. Keeping or recording the score during a game
• Double Bull/Cork. The red center of the bullseye
• Double Out (DO). Hitting the double of a number to win a game of '01
• Double Top. Scoring a double 20
• Fallout. Slang for hitting a scoring dart while missing the number you were throwing at
• Flight. The 'feathers' of the dart which makes the dart more aerodynamic
• Game On. A call for silence at the start of the game
• Game Shot. The winning shot
• Grooves. Another popular kind of barrel grip whose sharp edges proved the grip.
• Knurls. A popular kind of barrel grip that has sharp peaks which provide excellent grip quality. Two kinds are
square cut and diamond cut.
• Leg. A game in a match, say "the best of five legs", in which each leg is an entire game
• Money In, Money Out. Whatever amount is collected as entry fee is distributed as cash prize
• Robin Hood. Sticking one dart into the back of another in the board
• Shaft. The portion of the dart that holds the flight
• Shanghai. Hitting a triple, double, and single of the same number in the same throw
• Ton. Scoring 100 points in a throw
• Ton #. Scoring 100+ points in a throw (Ton 40 would be 140 points)

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